• As I lay down on the forest floor
    it starts to rain

    Little pricks of raindrops sprinkle my body
    dampening my clothes

    The rain is my tears
    the rain is my depression

    It creates a wet sheen on my arms and legs
    it fills the wrinkles in my expression

    Long ago were the days I would run to stay dry
    now I do not care

    There is simply nothing to get up for – to survive for
    Even I am slowly wasting away

    The rain merely is a diversion hiding my tears
    to let my walls crash down

    I fully know that once this rain passes
    I will have to pick myself up again and forge onward

    Again and again
    day after day

    This life goes on and on; round and round
    it is maddening

    We have all lost so much
    it doesn’t seem fair for life to go on

    There are so many who are dead
    lost to this cruel world

    So why are we still alive?
    why not the others?

    And I know – we all know there is no answer
    only endless questions revolving around on answer

    We will get nowhere by asking them
    because there is nowhere else to go