• Yea well its hard
    I think my bf is after my v-card
    Even though I confessed
    That I'm confused and depressed
    Hope is what I had
    now its all bad
    All I feel is sadness
    But I need happiness
    All I hear is silence
    I feel like I'm caged by a fence
    Darkness makes its way towards me
    I want to be free
    theres the door but I don't have the key
    I scream and yelp
    I need help
    but no one hears
    My dreaded fears
    are feeding off me
    I put the blade to my skin
    I know its a sin
    But I pull back and throw the blade away
    Blade blade go away come back another day
    I sang,
    I fire a fake gun
    My work here is done
    If I keep my head up and have fun
    smile when I can,
    I need to turn from a girl to a woman
    facing the fears
    no more tears
    I don't need my old life
    nor my knife
    I got a new life
    I'm going to pursue my dream
    I will work with my friends like a team
    Life is going to get better
    my old life is in the gutter
    welcome new life,
    and good bye old life and knife