• You may have heard the quote "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
    Well it’s not true.
    In fact, words cut deeper than anything else in the world. Harsh words are like invisible daggers.
    They go through the heart, piercing it.
    These daggers are covered in poison.
    This poison breaks one’s very being to pieces, and no matter how hard you try, there’s no way to completely heal after that.
    The poison does worse than hurt your being; it breaks your heart too.
    Sometimes the words eventually kill someone.
    You may not know what you're doing until it’s too late, and you realize that person died because of you.
    Because of the harsh things you said.
    Those very words cut their soul in half, leaving them bleeding and dying on the floor.
    With no other feeling but the pain.
    So don't forget, sticks and stones, or guns, or knives, they don't kill people.
    No, words do.