• I hate it when people tell me things and then say that they shouldn't have told me that.

    I hate it when a friend tells me that they are in pain, and I can't do a thing about it.

    I hate it when my friends do things that they're not supposed to do.

    I hate that someone of my friends want to kill themselves, and they tell me about it because I am the one who talks them out of it.

    I hate that I am the only one who can calm them down.

    I hate that I am the only one who keeps them from killing themselves.

    I hate that I can't spend enough time with them to show them that they have meaning to this world.

    I hate that I bottle everything up inside of me.

    I hate myself for hating things.

    I hate that I can't talk them out of things.

    I hate that they hate the world.

    Eventhough I hate the things that they do, I can't help but not hate them, but actually love them.