• I sit here... by myself
    lying down in this lonely field.
    this is the road i took...to be here alone
    i can feel the rain puring down on my face...
    and i love rain because i can cry with no one noticing
    the rain clenses everything inside
    drowns you in unforgetable cover of love.
    it calms you...so i let it take me
    i let it take me like a little drop...let it soak me in
    and i cried in the rain... and prayed.
    i looked in my heart...and found the light...
    the rain gave me answers
    GOD sent the rain down on me... the wet
    drizzly soft rain
    to tell me it'd be alright...
    so i prayed that it would and laid in the rain
    lifeless...no feeling...
    and next thing i knew...i woke up...and was sitting by window pane...
    looking at the rain.