• The world is turning
    Into a big ticking time bomb.
    “Why do we have to be stuck on this?!
    I did very little
    But they affected the world in a big way
    Please I’d rather not die.
    It’s too soon to see this light
    Please spare the lives
    Of everyone but me!!!

    I’ve caused much pain
    And never said sorry
    I’m the one you are looking for
    Not these innocent towns’ people.
    They have made many mistakes
    But I’m the one to blame.”

    The towns’ people
    Turn to each other
    And try to repair the sins they did.
    “It may not be much
    But we shall try to save
    As many lives as we can”

    Not one person
    Will ever die.
    Not with these people
    They will help all that needs to be helped.
    Save everything
    And not kill what we don’t need to kill.

    The peace on this planet
    Will be restored.
    We will live
    Through all the rough times
    And though all they easy times.