• ...

    Then she bid goodbye

    It's still dark
    Waiting for the dawn
    Can't sleep anymore
    Can't forget that dream, called nightmare

    Alas, dawn came
    Blazing sun rages the open sky
    Blinds my teary eye

    I woke up
    Wiped my teary eyes
    Scent the coffee's aroma
    ...Trying to forget the nightmare

    Makes me miss her more
    Day so pale
    Missing the "Happy-Ever-After" tale

    So many smiles I've seen
    So many do fancy me
    Only thine is sweet
    Only thine hath melt my heart

    Silence that deafens me
    Noise that still deafens me
    Many voices I've heard
    But only yours hath strung my heart

    God, I miss her,
    I miss everything,
    I miss her,
    I miss her

    The cup is empty
    But then, my heart is empty, too