• New boy in school,
    Girl doesn’t pay much attention to boy,

    Girl likes other boy…
    Again… pays little to no attention to new boy
    When boy is gone girl does not care

    Girl starts to notice new boy
    Girl is torn between both
    She can’t choose
    Girl ponders about both boys.

    Old boy doesn’t notice girl,
    Well, that’s what she thinks
    Girl notices that new boy notices her

    Girl wonders
    “Does he like me?”
    Girl doesn’t know

    Boy mentions girl's name in conversations of her…boy buds in on conversations
    Boy says girls name when she sands up it class to talk

    Girl doesn’t know

    She thinks boy might like her
    She thinks boy thinks that she is lower in popularity ranking…and is making fun of her

    Girl goes to school
    Boy is gone
    First time she has ever been sad that someone isn’t at school

    Girl talks to teacher to check on what she missed when she was sick
    Boy walks in behind girl…he is late
    Boy walks by, girl tries to ignore
    She is happy
    Boys walk by girl flushes quick
    Girl resumes conversation with teacher

    Girl walks to large table
    No room left with friends
    Only room left is next to boy
    Girl puts stuff down and resumes school project
    Girl isn’t flush, yet relaxed
    Girl is calm yet tense by boy
    She doesn’t want him to know

    Time passes
    Girl loses interest in old, ignorant boy
    Girl chose new boy

    Girl sits, waits for boy to talk one day,
    Talk to her
    Girl is quite shy

    Girl works with new table group
    Boy sits at table next to hers

    Girl lets imagination fill her curious, wondrous, adventurous mind
    Girl finds out that other girl at table, once “friends” is going out with boy

    At first girl is not bothered,
    This day boy was not there
    Later reality hit girl
    Hit her hard

    Her day grew dim

    Girl grew sad, angry, jealous
    She was angry at the other girl
    Sad for what had happened
    And overall jealous
    Jealous, yet sad

    Girl thought of it
    She grew sick to her stomach
    At end of day girl wants to cry yet no tears seem to come to hers eyes

    Girl wishes that they will brake up
    Girl wishes, hopes, imagines
    She cant believe what had happened

    Other girl tried to keep it a secret
    They’ve been going out for two weeks

    Girl doesn’t know what to do now
    No tears come
    Yet she wants to cry
    No tears come, she must cry but each time something holds them back
    Girl doesn’t know what holds them back,
    But all she knows is who she once and at this very moment still does love