• You chaine me to this wall, feed me, cloth me, even a place to sleep.
    Yet never take me in the arms and hold me, to love me, even kiss me.

    I want to leave you, to show you how it feels to be left alone and feel

    YET, I hurts me to leave you I can't bare to leave you to suffer as i do.

    Then one day, I cry till you return, cry till you hear me, in tell you my pain, my suffering.

    You get up and say "I'm sorry your so ungreatefull."
    You broke me.

    It hurt so much, all i wanted was love, you took away my food, place to sleep, and my clothes.

    Then one day I ran away from you, I broke my chaines as you had broken me.

    I found a Boy who helped me when you hurt, he did what you once did, But he shared what little he had to offer, fed me, even clothes, even a place to sleep, I sleep next to him peacefully knowing he won't ever hurt me and keep me safe.

    Even to know you had more to give as things.

    The Boy had so little to give yet he gave more then i expected, to be held in his loving arms, to feel so cared for.

    Oh Boy, How I love you!
    You offered me the one thing I could ever want. heart