• L.I.F.E
    L.I.F.E. is filled with the LIES in which we all beliveve always trying to find the truth but when we do we find the LIES are the only thing we really wanted

    L.I.F.E. is filled with ILLUSIONS such as love and happiness wants dreams wishes coming true its all an ILLUSION just to get us to shut-up

    L.I.F.E. is FRET its sad killing it gives you happiness just to take it away from you again and watch you cry about it

    L.I.F.E is ERADICATION its the extinction of everything you ever wanted you wished for you dreamed of it takes everything you work so hard for and

    throws it in your face L.I.F.E is a killer it makes you suscidal it makes everthing breath taking and when its over it watches you mourn over what you used to have