• whatever!

    i went down to the beach and saw kiki,she was all like, uhh!and im like,Whatever!

    then this chick comes up to me and she was all like,hey arn't u that dude...and im like yeah Whateva!

    so later im-im at the pool hall ,and this girl comes up to me and she was like aww.and im like ya Whateva!

    cause this is my united states of WTV!an this is my united states of WTV!
    and this is my united states of WTV!!!

    and then its 3:00 am andim in the corner with my leather this dude comes up he's like hey punk!and im like,yea Whateva!

    then im throwin' dice in the ally officer leroy comes and he's like i thought i told u...and im like yeah WHateva!

    then up comes zaffo and im like yo zaffo what's up?and he's like nutt'in an im like that's cool.CAUSE THIS IS MY UNITED STATES OF WHATEVA!