• Why won't any one listen
    To my crazy comments and philosophies?

    Filled to the brim with good ideas
    Swarming and taking me over
    One at a time

    How it hurts to have knowledge and none to gather
    It from me.

    Oh how I boast
    With only a deaf ear to receive my antics and raves

    A few understand
    But don't listen
    Turn their backs and leave

    First and foremost I try to connect in the normal way
    When that fails
    My heart hardens

    A new idea inspires me
    Finally a light for humanity
    Quickly extinguished by normality

    That's the problem,
    Normality and rhythm
    No one wants to change their mind
    Or rebel

    Through that, innovation is null
    I see myself at my fullest right now

    My body starts to disintegrate and burn to ash
    Authority, my enemy, seems to laugh
    as it burns

    My mind is still fully awake
    That is all that I need now

    I will be the sole creator in the land
    but without a body
    what am I worth?
