• As she waited there,
    A young man came running, with his messy hair.
    As he held out a rose,
    She stood up with a pose,
    Hands on her hips,
    And a pout on her lips,
    Why so late, she asked.
    He replied, I was busy, although his expression was masked.
    With a glint in his eyes,
    He took her out to eat pies.
    As she took her first bite, she felt something hard between her teeth,
    It was nothing that would make her seethe.
    In fact it had made her elated.
    From the beautiful designs to the diamond perched upon it, it was what a true artist created.
    As he knelt down,
    She felt like a queen with a crown.
    He asked her, Would you marry me?
    At that moment, memories of she and he were all she could see.
    At last, she had accepted, with a big smile on her face.
    Now you would see the couple walking down the street at their own pace,
    Wanting to spend as much time as they had with each other,
    And no one would dare bother.