• I'm not understanding nor do I want to be disturbed
    Bored because nothing is left memorable or meaningful?
    No it's not that
    Bored because everything follows its tail, that time must loop?
    No, not that I don't believe
    Bored because people around you do not know you exist?
    Nor that my friend nor that at all
    Bored because your spastic mind keeps changing, not knowing what to believe in this grand illusion called earth?
    Nope, have no idea what you just said
    Bored because your just sitting, procrastinating work until it's finally due?
    No, maybe, no.
    Bored because you cannot excrete your feelings of a particular person, because you cannot die, you merely remain in pain?
    No, I'm pretty sure suicide can kill me, but no not entirely this at all
    Bored for boredom's sake?
    I'm not understanding nor do I want to be disturbed
    Which leaves four painted white walls for me
    My symbolic ignorance
    But the realization of any of the above is realized to be meaningless in itself
    So yes, for boredom's sake
    Because the interesting has left
    And nothing really remains
    But my head sleeping on my arms wrapped
    Thinking of the roots to my boredom, of nostalgia