• Take My Hand Trust Me.
    I can’t
    Trust me I won’t hurt you
    You don’t know how many people
    have told me that
    But you know you can trust me
    I do, but I don’t want to get hurt
    I won’t hurt you, I love you too much.
    I can’t….You know I can’t...I’m gonna go now
    No, stay. If you stay I promise not to leave you
    I want to stay…… but I don’t want to hurt you
    Take my hand I love you
    Tell me why I should listen to you
    Because I love you
    You know, I used to believe that too, but love fades
    Not mine. I would never hurt you. You have to believe me
    No I’m tired of believing that your hand is love
    Take my hand, trust me. I love you
    No you don’t, love doesn’t lie
    I’m not lying, you have to trust me
    What if I can't?
    Take my hand I love you.