• Tears of joy stream down my face,
    A new friend to meet, to learn things
    about. When I said hi the first time
    you said hello. I asked you how you
    were, you responded, and asked me.
    Now we are friends, we have found
    out we have many things in common,
    we are friends. Almost like sisters.
    Only we don't fight as regular siblings
    do. You say I'm a good listener, I say
    the same about you. We comfort each
    other when needed. Hopefully this
    friendship lasts forever and always.
    Will you be the friend I can count on if
    I end up in jail and you'd come to bail
    me out? Or will you be that friend next
    to me in that jail cell, asking why in the
    world did we do that stupid, crazy stunt
    in the first place? Friend, Good Friend,
    Great Friend, Awesome Friend, Best Friend,
    Almost like sisters, actually feel like sisters?