• Don’t break my already fragile heart
    Don’t take what little hope I have
    I give my all to you
    I give my happiness to you
    In hopes you can protect it
    Don't use me
    Don't make me cry
    If you do
    Then hold me close
    and tell me its ok
    That we'll work it out
    Don't push me away
    Don't let me pull away
    I'm scared of being hurt
    I'm scared of being broken beyond repair

    So I'll give you this gun
    and let you hold it to my heart
    Only you can pull this trigger and kill me
    Only you can break my heart
    I'll stand and watch
    Hoping you wont pull
    Placing my hands atop yours
    I keep you pointing
    I keep your finger on the trigger
    That may one day break my already fragile heart

    Note: To those who love Naruto, or have read my Naruto story I now have it posted it on FanFiction.Net Sasuke and Pals (Mini Story)