• When it happen,
    When she leaves you,
    Forget you,
    Curse at you,
    Ignore you,
    Cheated on you?
    You ask...why?

    What did I do wrong?

    Did I hurt her?
    Harm her in pain?
    Making her heart plain?

    Did I forget her?
    Act like she's dead?
    Messing up her head?

    Did I curse at her?
    Saying the F-word,S-word,B-word?
    Ruining her world?

    Did I ignore her?
    Avoiding her sight?
    Pressuring her to fight?

    Did I cheated on her?
    Not thinking about the fun with her in bed?
    Making her sleep with Ned?

    Did I simply hate her?
    Destroying the love?
    Wanting to kill the doves?

    What did I do wrong?

    Maybe...I did nothing wrong!
    Maybe SHE is the one who hurt me,
    Forgot me,
    Cursed at me,
    Ignored me,
    Cheated on me,
    Hated me.

    So...what DID I do wrong?

    Why don't you ask her?