• The Angel Inside Me

    The angel inside me
    used to be white
    full of life and innocence
    as the years went by
    the rage inside grew
    my lonely angel left me
    The angel inside me
    was replaced by despair
    a new angel came for me
    this one I shall fear
    it's colour is black
    filled with agony and darkness
    My angel has changed
    come forth now new pleasure
    my mind is corrupt
    these crimson feeling begin
    the more angels that come
    sink me deeper within my depression
    Each angel inside me
    takes over with power
    wishing me to go farther
    so farther I'll stride
    down the seas of distress
    I am so woefully lost
    My new angel
    devours me whole
    it's starting to control me
    I give in for good
    I'm trying to scream out to you
    get rid of my angel, the enemy inside me
    This curse kills me
    with each waking hour
    it's trying to send me away
    up the heavens
    or down to hell
    who knows where it comes from now

    Every time I close my eyes
    I'm afraid they'll never open
    although it's painless
    I'm not ready to die
    stop this taunting devil
    from hacking at my soul
    Oh no, My fear has come
    my body is feeling weak
    my eyelids are closing
    I know I'm not falling asleep
    this is the end
    Betrayed by my own self.