• Greed

    Treasures upon treasures lay sparkling around
    Riches so numerous that the oceans would be filled
    Coins, bars, jewelries of silver, bronze and gold
    Diamonds, rubies, sapphires and more
    Pearls white, black and a lot more

    All littered in a gigantic room, almost sealing the door
    A treasure room forgotten for ages, or so it seems.
    In its center, in tattered clothing and gold jewelry
    With dusty wings bearing dried mud of ages,
    The owner of the treasure resides:

    ,,Mine, all mine! Who cares about anything else is a fool!
    I can have anything with this alone and nothing else
    Love, respect, power, even wisdom and souls!
    Numerous slaves, friends and allies alike!
    But I dare not give you for that

    Because they might steal you, my most dearest of all.”
    And so he stays talking to his dear,
    Talking to the only thing else in the room;
    But in that room there were only two,
    He with dark wings, dusty and untended for years,
    And the numerous treasures
    That blocked the only door that led outside.