• Two fierce foes, locked in combat.
    The dragon, with teeth like shining rubies,
    Fights to vanquish his foe.
    The tiger, with teeth like new pearls,
    Battles the dragon for his life.

    The dragon fights with sword-like claws,
    Piercing the tiger like he was cutting butter.
    The tiger's claws are long daggers,
    Cutting through the dragon's defense.

    The dragon weeps for the eternal battle,
    His eyes reflecting wisdom as vast as space.
    He knows that there will never be peace,
    And he can't gain eternal sleep.

    The tiger laughs at future victories,
    His eyes burn with a warrior's passion.
    He awaits the day the battle ends.
    For then, he can finish off his eternal foe.

    With the speed of a rocket,
    The dragon roars past.
    With his scales glistening like a thousand small gems,
    He prepares for the final attack.

    The tiger hides in the shadows.
    His fur, like soft velvet, helps him blend in.
    He leaps as the dragon appears,
    And takes the dragon down for the pin.

    The dragon and the tiger grapple each other,
    The tiger's teeth sink in.
    The dragon cries and claws the tiger's eyes.
    The tiger weeps and is cast into death,
    Before the battle is through.
    Then, the endless battle begins anew.