• Daydreams of you are like clouds in my head
    Just drifting by until I go to bed
    And then while I sleep the dreams follow me still
    Thoughts of you are enough to fill
    They fill up my time, my day and night
    They show me the ways of dark and light
    Of good vs. evil of right vs. wrong
    The love you give me makes me feel strong
    Strong enough to fill up all the corners of my heart
    And from you I will never part
    For I’ve been captivated by your sweet soul
    And I will never let you go
    I will stand by your side forever and ever
    My love for you will never weather
    So I am here and we will stand
    Together and always hand in hand
    Through good and the bad, through better and worse
    I’m here as long as I’m driven by loves sweet curse