• I took a walk alone tonight
    I never thought I'd think of my past here
    The goal posts, bleachers, even the soil
    Leave little thoughts, memories that I will never forget
    Soccer, recess with my "friends", listening to music
    Sure the early days were fun
    Now life is a pain in the neck
    and now I don't think I can live
    Remembering all the better times I have had
    Sure, my friends have moved away,
    or just plain forgotten me in the swirl
    But that is growing up, ain't it?
    As I stare at the crescent moon half-obscured with clouds
    I see a star twinkle in the distance
    Maybe that is what I should strive for?
    Time seems to unravel troubles and I get older with each breath
    Maybe through life and death I will truly have accomplished something
    But, for now, I sit and dwell on the past
    For that is all I can do for now,
    as I am a child, a low bottom feeder on the human scale
    Or so the adults think
    I finish my walk and head back inside
    Warmth stinging the cold on my face
    A tear slides down my cheek
    What horrors leaving my youth has brought me...