• They say "The One" is someone you'll spend the rest of your life with. Someone who'll always be there for you. Stay with you in hard times. Who loves you for who you are, and not for someone your not. You can always completely trust him or her, in other cases. But how can you completely trust someone, and love them, but you just can't be with them? As for me and for my friend. We still care for our other. For our only "One". We all still love them. But it's complicated. We move away, we may be leaving to the Air Force. We may just be staying here. All the same, and yet so different. We may not be with each other, but we still love, we still care. They will always be on our minds. Some may still talk to each other, and other like me only say "hi" and thats it, nothing more. But we still have so much to say to one another. But we can't just say it without crying or running away. We cannot just not let them move, we cannot just let them not fullfill their dreams. If we did, we wouldn't be human. If we did it would feel all wrong, no matter how right it is. But if you care about someone, you must think of them before yourselves. No matter how hard it will be for them and ourselves. We must live with the pain, and heartaches. We must live with the fact we can't be with them anymore. But for some of us. They will be back. They will always love us, but as for me. I'm still not so sure. Even though they say they do, but you never really know do you? You'll never really know how they really feel. But for the lucky one, like my friend. Their "One" will always love them, They will always be there for each other. I just hope, I'm one of the lucky "Ones"♥