• you told me to stay by your side
    i told you the ride won't last long
    but you didn't hear me sing my song
    what was wrong
    with you

    i was strong with you
    you told me i didn't belong
    lifelong i've been with you
    you said you outgrew the love
    and told me to go

    im out the door
    away from you
    i stand alone
    in the rain

    i cry
    for you
    its like heaven through the skies
    when you told me you love me

    but now its gone
    away from both of us
    theres no turnin back
    what you did to me

    it went through
    through my heart
    now you did it
    u took it away
    away from

    few years later
    you the notes
    the notes that i sent you
    but you thought it was her
    when it truly wasn't her

    its christmas time
    you send a gift to her
    thanking for th notes
    but then she tells you
    who it really was

    you denied
    denied it was me
    you asked me in anger if it was true
    and i asked
    do believe in love
    and he "yes i do believe in love"
    and so i said
    " you deserve her not me,"
    he asked why

    i said im dead
    he was confused
    i showned him why
    he still didn't believe me
    he kissed me

    he saw me disapear
    i explained
    that i was a memory
    of his
    for so many years
    and so i said

    i said goodbye to the
    good and bad memories
    which is no longer exists to me
    im sorry