the fans were talking to each other
    i know they were-so noise-

    the chair were fighting with the untiled floor
    they just dont know to sit still,i guess

    the chalk-well, i think-
    were arguing with the black board,
    as it dirty them

    the wind were whispering
    as it tell me to sleep
    but the doors clang!!
    ask me to get up and concentrate

    i stare passed the window
    my mind were thinking about the rains
    as i can call them
    MR Raindrops

    maybe someday we could go on a date
    just you and me
    and my little pink umbrella
    in my pink raincoats

    maybe we can go to Paris
    i've always wanted to go there
    or maybe to London
    or maybe if you caring enough
    we can go to Ghana
    and make those people smiling


    what are you wandering?
    a date at Paris?

    yes-luckly she did'nt hear-
    and it cames to an end
    goodbye Mr Raindrop
