• There’s a thousand and five doors in this room,
    Only one of them won't lead to gloom.
    If you choose the wrong one,
    It's death for you, Hun.
    There's a thousand and five doors in this room.

    Two hundred doors have golden frames.
    They all promise to give you Hollywood fame.
    But in the end you'll find,
    You'll leave all you love behind,
    If you choose the doors with the Golden frame.

    Seventy doors are all covered in black.
    With an ere and quite evil tact.
    It's all crossbones and death,
    Darkness in every breath.
    These doors are evil, and that is a fact.

    There are one hundred doors that all have crosses,
    And they claim that God can heal all losses.
    But it’s only a fake church,
    With the intention to hurt.
    This tree of life is covered with unholy mosses.

    Five hundred doors are nothing but wood,
    And it seems all too innocent and good.
    But what seems to be plain,
    Always pays out in pain.
    Mediocrity is too misunderstood.

    Twenty doors are outlined with food,
    With more hunger filling than one can conclude.
    Although it fills up the belly,
    You’ll feel just like old jelly,
    So choosing these doors is quite crude.

    Thirty doors are covered with hearts,
    Promising the romantical arts.
    It seems good for a while,
    It will give you a smile,
    But it will kill you and tear you apart.

    Fifty doors are just a rainbow,
    The type of rainbow used to declare a homo.
    The sad truth is that gay,
    Just isn’t love’s way
    Homosexuality is not the path to go.

    Fourteen of those doors are ice,
    The numbing of the coldness seems nice,
    When your heart is frozen,
    And your fate is chosen,
    You’ll realize coldness is nothing but vice.

    There’s only one door that you should pursue,
    Only one door that gives you a clue.
    It’s the door that unique,
    The one that God seeks.
    The only door to life you should choose is you.