• Sitting here in this crowd of people
    You don't like them they don't like you
    Yet you sit there listen to their problems help them once or twice and get ignored
    You don't know why you stay
    You walk away to another group, same feeling
    You walk to another and you can't get a different feeling
    At home you feel the same way with your family
    Lonely, depressed
    The feelings you used to have
    Feelings you thought you wouldn't get again
    How bad will they get?
    Will you actually get worse then before
    The darkness coming closer and closer
    Run, you tell yourself
    Flee the dark before it consumes you
    Grab a hand to stay away from it
    The dark grabs hold of you
    Pulls you in
    No escape
    Just the one that you don't know how to receive
    Sitting in the dark
    Watching others pass you by
    Life slowly mocking you
    Close your eyes
    Prey that it won't take hold of your soul
    It has you!
    Try to escape
    To think of good times you had
    The sound of your cry can't be heard
    No one near you
    No one that understands how you feel
    They mock you, give you tedious lectures that you block out
    All you feel is numbness of the tears being held back, and your screams of pain filling your body
    Black out, nothing, no one, not a sound
    You are in the dark and no one would understand
    Left to die in your own pain