• I'm late for school!
    I have to get there soon!
    I can't find my backpack!
    I look everywhere...
    I find it in my living room,
    Sitting right there
    Where's my homework?
    Someone took it, but who?
    i don't have a single clue.
    But i find my homework,
    But who hid it, oh who?
    It was my brother, i see,
    And my sister too!
    i eat my breakfest, In a flash!
    I grab my backpack,
    And hurry out the door, just like that!
    I get to the bus stop, panting,
    And than comes the bus with a man driving!
    He looks at me than all the kids start LAUGHING!!
    I did not know why for a second,
    But than my face turned red hot,
    To realize i forgot my shirt, pants, shoes, and socks!!!