• The Plight of the extra

    I am in the background, no one takes notice... I'm but a blur in life, some one to add context to the scene. I see the leads, all lovely in their way, taking the stage with ease... they get all the lines, never me. I am told to scream here, to stand there in a crowd as the beautiful people save the day again and again.

    I say to myself “ I could take the lead, be center stage with all looking at me, admiring my skill and wondering at my marvels I can do... if only I was but given a chance. I can dazzle sparkle, save the day.... “ But instead I stand, to the side... obeying the rules of an authority far greater then mine, and watch the dance of action from a far. I will never take the lead, never rise above. I am moving scenery, there to add context to other's lives.

    But I know I could take center stage.....

    And will never get the chance.......