• here we go...
    hello my name is trane i do graffiti i cant do it now i was born in ny city home of graffiti i died when i was getting away from cops but i didnt i was alive the cops are cfu there city cops i had a crew until fire came into my hangout so i fighted the cheif i was almost dead but i got healed my mom and dad were drug sellers so my grandmother took me to her i got old i was 27 by the age i got kicked out of home my life is bout getting subways all my territory and doing graffiti on some eleses graffiti theres over 1,000 people in ny city homless but the give me clues where my enemy went and were cops are so i found out i did not die on the last enemy it was a girl and she fell off a blooper but on the 2nd enemy it was my bro i killed him because never ever seen him in my house so i killed him im in the hospital right now writing my life to gaia this story is non fiction im not dead and my name is not trane but trane was my friend but he died he got married got kids got grandkids and died by three shots in heart by cops cause the looked for him for years i feel sad right so all people in gaia dont do graffitti like my friend trane did.... crying crying cry cry crying cry crying cry