• We as humans are naturally violent and love to kill things.

    Not only that, we love to do it in an organized way.

    We are the most powerful ultimate super predators that have ever existed on this planet.

    Want to question?

    Name one other creature on this planet that does or has ever raised and grown 10,000 cattle to be milked daily for their liquids and then slaughtered, have there meat frozen and shipped all over the world?

    No-one that's who. No creature has ever mass produced food like we have and then made so much that we throw parts away.

    We predators by nature too, we hide all our food and fight others for our food, whoever has the most money has the most food as well and we fight over that (more money= buys more food :O) so we are predators.

    But we are super predators becuase we mass murder hundreds and thousands of animals and people for our food.

    When normal people sit around and don't kill something cause we get bored with our hamburgers we tend to try to kill some other shiz or make some artificial violence, I.E. sports, arguing, hunting, and wars are all forms of killing something or harming something else, helping us deal with our violence. We naturally want to kill and harm everything around us and when everything is handed to us (packages of food we buy) we tend to go crazy and must kill :O

    Basically why we all kill

    But we herd together hundreds and thousands of animals and kill them all, to feed large quantities of ourselves, and no-other animal kills as much as we do for food, therefore we are the greatest super predators which have ever existed on this earth (as far as we know) Becuase we grow and raise every animal that's possible to, is most efficient, and tastes good, and then when we get bored, we try to kill each other. No other animal does this, and no other predator ever has, therefore, we are the super predators.