• The world is complicated. The world? complicated? How you figure? you ask. If you stop and think about it, it really isnt that hard to see how. For instance, take one side of the world. On one side the world is rich in resources and on the other side the resources arent so rich. Or perhaps where in a certain part of the world animals are slaughtered to be eaten by people, while in a different part of the world animals are sacred, holy creatures that are not meant for slaughter. Not convinced yet? Well then perhaps another example is required.
    Say for instance in a part of the world where a certain leader: king. czar, prime minister, president and the like, run their country, state, republic and so on a certain way that others agree with such as: its good for the people or its a good way to increase revenue, while others might disagree with the way or ways things are ran with sayings such as: thats unfair and unjust, or how is that good for the people/economy, or even what are they thinking?
    So you see the world is complicated. Others may not believe it or maybe there are those who have yet to figure it out. But when they do choose to believe or those who do figure it out, it will come to show that the world is not as simple as it seems.