• Count the blades, one through ten breath in, breath out, thrust and stomp.

    Count the blades, one through nine breath in; breath out, duck and cut.

    Count the blades, one through eight breath in; breath out, slash and roll.

    Count the blades, one through seven breath in; breath out, impale and release.

    Count the blades, one through six breath in; breath out, lacerate and parry.

    Count the blades, one through five breath in; breath out, stab and leap.

    Count the blades, one through four breath in; breath out, drive and dodge.

    Count the blades, one through three breath in; breath out, en forte and push.

    Count the blades, one and two breath in; breath out, disembowel and jump.

    Count the blade, one still left breath in; breath out, decapitate and leave.
