• Majestic Creatures

    On a Distant planet lived a nomadic group of people. They are draped in a red linen Head to toe as their ancestors did. They traveled daily trying to escape the grasp of the harsh environments the planets had to offer only carrying little possessions they had. They traveled miles on end searching for a spot to settle in a place they considered safe. one evening as the sun set, whales arose from the water and flew. The traveling folk of the land gazed up in utter astonishment to watch these humble creatures swimming through the sky. "Where are they going?" a young member of the tribe asked, for it was a rare occurrence to see such majestic creatures the planet had to offer.

    The eldest of the tribe replied "I have seen this before, once. They have somewhere else to be... They will return someday,...Someday..." The group of natives continued to watch in bewilderment as the last of the flying whales vanished behind he horizon.

    Short story inspired by Desmond Wong's Image the Ocean Sky
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