• Luminosity Academy
    Part 1:
    I’m Lucinda Davis and it’s my first day at Luminosity Academy. I’m not looking forward to meeting new people, actually I don’t like people at all. The reason being was because everyone is always in little packs and if you didn’t fit into one you were branded as an outsider or a loner and for me I was always that loner. My father travels a lot so there is really no reason to try and make friends anyway. I have always wondered if my life would be different if my mum was around. My dad says I look a lot like her but I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad because I haven’t seen a single photo of her and every time I bring the subject of mum up dad goes silent and changes the subject. After a while I stopped bringing her up all together. Before my dad applied for me to attend Luminosity Academy I researched into it and found out famous people stayed at this school, so a least that was pretty cool. As the taxi pulled up along the school I was welcomed by a man with a smile that almost stretched to his ears. He was jumping in the spot excitedly whiles clapping his hands. He resembled a puppy! This man can’t be the principal I thought. He had dark blonde hair pulled back by an elastic band, hazel eyes that looked wise, caring and exciting behind his old glass circular glasses. He didn’t dress like a principal either. Never in my life had I seen a principle wear black track pants, a rainbow turtle neck jumper, a brown scarf and faded brown doggy eared slippers. I hesitantly opened the cab door and was greeted by a chilly breeze. I was really regretting not wearing my jumper. “You must be Miss Davis” as he skipped over to the taxi to handle the luggage. “Yes sir” I slapped a fake smile across my face. I hope the students will accept me, but I won’t hold my breath.