• Silence...utterance of nothing, a presence you could feel, as a woman stood dead center of the magic pentagram. Pardon...as the Queen of the Damned stood. Not so much a woman as she was a demoness, a sorceress, a chosen vessel of the dead...she was an unholy Goddess.
    The room was truly alive as the cavern walls seemed to pulsate like flesh and the unnatural silence seemed to crackle with evil power. The pale figure of the newly self proclaimed Queen was darkly exotic and surely any man would willingly fall at her feet... all except one.

    With a closer examination the female patron of darkness was small and almost elfin. She stood at about 4"9, lithe yet large breasted, a small waist and yet hips that were rounded and full had been gifted to her. It was evident that her beauty had be enhanced by the black magic now filling the circle, as the deafening silence seemed to penetrate her every pore. The cave sanctuary walls were lined with thousands of red candles that flickered all around the circular area in a ring and as the dark meditation continued, the flames also began to turn red.

    In a low dark tinted glass voice she broke the unearthly silence. A song in a language that came from her very blackened soul.

    "Ilitha dom Partha, Sarrow Cilli na-vara"
    Dancing runes that sparkle, may death take my sorrow

    Her silver eyes hidden behind closed lids, hair black as ebony flowing around her from the power of the words, and in that verse the silence was broken. Quicksilver eyes shot open wide and a loud crackling noise echoed, piercing through the silence. Her voice like a booming thunder as a wind blew into the large space from an unseen dimension. Her voice once again went out.

    "Sleepar un morgar, Jorna val gavain gar"
    Sleeping till the marrow, never to wake again

    Eyes glowing in the darkness, she began to raise her hands; Moving them as if exploring the fabrics of the universe. Her expression was pure determination, pure concentration, and her goal was utter vengeance. The wind was blowing violently now and with a flick of her wrist all the red glittering flames were snuffed out in an instant. Still in the darkness her voice like dark velvet.

    "Hessvet Abadon, multhok aviss, nalvona sarbelonvis"
    Souls of the abyss, something is amiss, transform agony to bliss

    Suddenly and orb appeared in the black, an orb of light. A beating heart.
    The glow of the round sphere shone through out the cavern with a sinister aura speaking of revenge. With all her focus the orb rose higher into the air out of the sorceress' hands and with a final act of sealing, she sang the final incantation.

    "Demore Avak Revara Sol"
    Devour his beating heart

    The shout echoed, shook the very ground she stood upon and as the orb shattered into thousands of tiny flames, the candles were once again lit, the So-Called-Queen garbed in her black silken robes. Off to the side of the room was an swirling pool and in that pool was a vision of a young man...blond, blue eyed... a real looker.

    Staggering to the pool, the witch moved to look into it, her power now drained. Her eyes were back to their usual light blue. She leaned on the side of the large stone pool...the stone smooth and cool under her touch. She watched the young man with a longing stare.

    She spoke to him, though she was heard only by herself.

    "My Veramore...Your heart will be mine."