• Kin
    The Awakening Chapter 1

    Eizen woke up from another late night like always. "Ugh… God I hate

    waken up so late…damn! Three o' clock already." he said as he

    looked over at the clock on his desk rolling his eyes with annoyance.

    However, he only had himself to blame at least partially, staying up

    late but only because he didn't really sleep much anyway. For some

    reason he was always compelled to stay awake at night and even

    though he would sleep in late in never bothered him with the lack of

    sleep during the day. "Ei! You up yet bub!?" he heard his father call

    out from the living room. "Yeah dad ill be there in a sec hold up!" he

    replied with an obvious sound that he was annoyed in his voice, but

    he got out of bed then headed out into the bathroom to wash his

    face and wake up more. Running the water in his hands splashing it on

    his face he stood up and grabbed a towel to dry it off. "Ah much

    better." he mumbled into the towel still rubbing his face in it. As he

    lowered the towel and looked in the mirror what he saw was not his

    reflection, but an image a man similar to him yet different. His hair

    was slicked back black in color and his face was stern with a look of

    killer's intimidation in it. However, what caught Ei's attention the most

    was his eyes a deep black with a bright red iris in both eyes. "HOLY

    s**t!!" he yelled out as he ducked under the view of the mirror then

    slowly peeked back up to see his normal reflection. "What the hell?"

    he gazed all around the mirror to make sure he wasn't crazy. "What

    you just yell out boy?" he heard his father yell at him. "Sorry Dad saw

    a huge spider scared the crap out of me!" he headed back to his

    room to get some clothes on seeing the stack of applications on his

    desk his father has been nagging him to fill out and he let out a sigh.

    After getting dressed he walked over to the kitchen to get a late

    breakfast, he wanted to get going out so it snatched a pack of

    pop-tarts and slipped them in his jean pocket. "So son did you fill

    them applications out yet or are they still sitting on you desk?" Eizen

    cringed and looked over to his father knowing if he said no the long

    argument that would come soon after. "I only have a few left to fill

    then we can send them in next week when I get home from

    camping." hi father gave him an angered look and in reality was his

    normal look also so it was hard to tell if he was mad or not. "Ok

    sound good to me." his father, replied but Ei was already out the

    door. He was on his way across the street to Bubs house one of his

    best friends that he knew just as long as he could remember. He saw

    im playing basketball in his back yard as he waved and called over to

    him. "Yo Bubs what up? Pass me the ball will you?" Bubs smiled at

    him and tossed the ball over. "Hey E-Man long time no see where ya

    been?" Eizen rolled his eyes and laughed. "I saw you yesterday what

    do you mean where I been? I would have been here faster but I slept

    in late again, spent most the night packing for camp." Bubs laughed

    and patted him on the back. "Yeah yeah im just messing with you. So

    this camping trip is really you moving in with your sister right?" he

    looked Ei with a half smile. "Yeah it is. My dad knows but we haven't

    told my mom yet but he can tell her not me im out of this place he's

    even nagging me still about the job apps since she's in the next room

    this morning." He stared at the ball for a few moments he was glad to

    leave his sister Bunny as everyone called her had offered to let him

    move in. She was worried about him and she had right to, his parents

    always seemed to try and keep him from her and talk about her like

    she was some demon trying to corrupt or posses him. This bothered

    him and even the church he went to that his aunt and uncle ran as the

    posters acted the same way with him being with her. Other reasons

    he wanted to leave was his controlling parents, he was never given a

    choice in anything or they would just make him do it their way if they

    didn't like what he chose to do. The church they went to shared the

    same attitude and has went from the little Pennycostal church that

    began in his aunt and uncles basement to a small cult hiding behind

    the word ''faith''. He knew it and the ones who left knew to

    unfortunately those were the parents of his closest friends who ended

    up breaking contact with him for still being there only two really still

    talked to him now. Truth was he wanted to just get away from it all

    start in a new place to meet new people, make new friends and he

    has his chance. "So this camp what is it exactly?" Bubs asked with a

    curious look on his face as he stared at Eizen. "It's some sort of

    spiritual thing my sister want to take me to for a while now how she

    described it sounds pretty cool." he felt a buzz from his cell phone

    and pulled it out seeing a text from Missy his girlfriend. Missy was a

    kind, gentle girl whom always kept a calm attitude and understood

    him more then anyone he loved her for that among other things. Her

    smile, her intelligence, and her imagination and they had so much in

    common. It was another good reason for him leaving she lived in

    another state and his sister was much closer to her then his home

    here and it made him happy to be that much closer to her. He looked

    at the reading as "Hey Hun did you sleep well?" he pressed the call

    button and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" came her soft voice.

    "Hey love how's you? And yes. I did sleep well he he" he said to her

    with a big grin on his face. "Im glad to hear that you did. So you're

    moving tonight right? Im happy your moving closer." she said with a

    happy giggle. "Im happy to love I just cant wait till tonight…aww

    crap." he got another text from his mother telling him to come home

    now. "Sorry Babe I got to let you go ill talk to later bye." he hung up

    after she said goodbye then waved off Bubs and ran home. As soon

    as he walked in the door, his mother immediately stopped him. "Your

    room is filthy! You call that clean?! I told your not leaving with your

    sister with me to clean that mess up! Now get in there and clean it

    Mister!" he swore he cleaned his room but being the perfectionist

    clean freak that was his mother he knew that his clean and her clean

    were on a very different scale. "Ok god why do you have to yell at

    me for it?" before she could answer he went to his room and started

    to re-clean his clean room when hours later she stormed in and

    looked around. "Did you dust?" she asked him. "Yes." he said. "Your

    room still looks like crap." she said to him but he knew not to argue.

    Nothing ever seemed to please her no matter how hard he tried or

    how well he did what she asked him she always found something he

    failed to see or messed up doing it. After she left the room he looked

    around and decided so pack the rest of his stuff hearing his father

    through his half closed door talk to his mother about him moving then

    they started to argue. He sighed then closed his door and continued

    to keep packing seeing his collection of swords and dagger he got

    over time before he shoved them into boxes. Among other things like

    his books and video games and more clothes he planned to bring with

    him. Of course, he would have to leave them here for now since he

    would be camping and his sisters and her fiancée's stuff would be

    packed in the little care they drove in so he would come back again

    later to get the rest of it after camping was over. After he was done

    packing, he laid back on the bed to rest and started to drift off to

    sleep when he heard a whisper. "Huh? Who…?" he sat up and looked

    around his small room then at the windows. As he turned his face to

    the door, he saw then man from the mirror earlier and he stopped

    breathing. He was wearing a black cloak and stared at him. "It is

    almost time for you to awaken." He said in an eerie voice as he

    vanished out of thin air. Eizen was stunned and had to catch his

    breath as he jumped from the bed and noticed the clock said 7:45 PM

    it was a dream he slept for more then four hours. "What the ******** was

    that?" he said to himself seeing the man again it gave him an uneasy

    feeling but what bothered him the most was that he looked almost

    like him other then his hair and eyes everything was the same, he

    didn't know what to make of it. He got his things together and

    headed outside and waited for his ride to come as he sat on his duffle

    bag the night was cold but id didn't bother him he liked the cold

    weather and he was used to it. He looked over and saw some head

    light as a car drove over and pulled over to him he looked in and saw

    Ken and Chris good friends of his sisters and a girl in the back seat.

    "Hey guys good to see you again." All three of them smiled and

    waved as he crammed his bags in with theirs and sat in the car.

    Another buzz on his cell went off he looked seeing it was Missy again

    the text read "oh yeah how's the four doing?" Only he and his closest

    friends knew what that meant Lilith, Diana, Elizabeth and, Raden were

    four spirits that were always with him but normally would stay hidden

    unless he or they wanted to talk. Diana and Lilith were sisters catlike

    spirits they were the first to show themselves to him Elli came later

    she was a young girl ghost of age ten whom he found wondering

    around and she quickly adopted him as her earthly father figure.

    Raden was around before them but he was that last to reveal himself

    he was a wolf the was twice the size of a great dane even when

    laying down his head still reached Eizen's chest. He presented himself

    as a guardian to keep him protected since he was a child. "They are

    doing fine." he text back to her. The four were some of the strange

    things about Eizen but he also shared some personal uniqueness tar

    he was empathic and pre-cognitive and for some reason he could fell

    or sense others that were around him even if he didn't see them at

    first. All of this was another reason his sister has been wanting to

    take him to this camping trip and he was interested in learning more

    about all of it. Chris looked over to him. "So how you been? We are

    going to the Pegasus Diner to get something to eat before we go it

    going to be an all-night drive." Ei nodded then looked over to the girl

    who was asleep already in her seat. From what he knew, it was Chris'

    girlfriend and it was her first time going to this camp as well so to him

    it was nice to know he was not the only new face that was going to

    be there. He laid back as Chris played some low techno music Ken

    was busy driving us to the diner. Chris was a big guy just like his

    father Ken both were sort of rough Chris was a relaxed guy long hair

    with big bearded face and a smart guy when you got to know him.

    Ken matched that personality well though much older and a wise man

    and fun to talk with for a kid like Ei who had a lot to learn Ken had a

    lot to give so they were good friends. "So finally escaping Jersey now

    huh Ei?" Ken said over his shoulder as he drove. Eizen laughed with a

    smirk. "Yeah I hear ya there on that one finally happy to leave guess

    im one of the few." he sat back thinking about a line from Long Kiss

    Goodnight "many have tried to leave and failed about ninety percent

    of the population in fact." he shook his head and laughed at himself.

    The image of the man he saw came back to him again as they drove

    on he just could not stop thinking about it and wanted to talk to Chris

    and Ken about it but figured it would be better not to and just relaxed

    in his seat. "We are here!" Ken said as he pulled into the diner parking

    lot and we all got out of the car walked into the diner by this time it

    was early morning so Eizen sat down ordered some pancakes and

    apple juice. He noticed the girl that was sitting next to him in the car

    was looking at him. "Uh hi did you sleep ok?" she nodded then smiled.

    "Its funny I never seen anyone more pale skinned then me." Eizen

    tilted his head at the odd statement then Chris looked over. "Really

    you having a paleness contest with a vampire of course he would

    win." they both laughed and Ei chuckled knowing he was that pale to

    look like a vampire and seeing the other customers stare at him oddly

    just made him laugh more. Of course, him wearing his black Tripp

    trench coat with its chains didn't help with the staring. "it is quite

    around him." the girl said still looking at him then to her food as the

    waiter came in. they all talked for awhile eating away then got back in

    the car. Ei started getting tired so he laid back and fell asleep as they

    drove on.