• Our story begins in a world called Domainia, where there are heroes live. Their names are Aquarius, ethopiana, jet, and shad. In this world all people have the ability to control the seven natural elements water, fire, earth, air, lightning, light, and shadows. Our four heroes are brave, but most of them don’t know how to use their powers correctly and only one is a domainer and his journey to return to his normal state after he was cursed by a warlock of the destroyers will be a long and dangerous journey for him and his friends for an evil has awaken that will destroy the world as they know it. Just for you all to know the domainers is an ancient guild that goes to other worlds that they call domains and only domainers can go through these domains and can change the outcome of it all. They help other domains by defeating the evil that could change or even destroy the world so the domainers protect all domains and will never give up until the job is done or death comes for them. There are strict rules placed for domainers they are never to be greedy and after certain amount of years and it varieties for each leader and then an assassination of the leader is placed and a new leader is chosen from the men that helped in this movement. Like the domainers there are other guilds and some of them aren’t like the domainers and choose that only people with certain controls over certain elements are allowed, one group called the santanos who were in second place in trust value hated the domainers and several times in the past there was a wars domainer vs. Santanos and each one ended with domainers winning. Now back to our heroes their names explain their powers expect for shad for he is a domainer so he can control shadow, fire, and lightning. The others abilities differ first is jet his name doesn’t say anything about his abilities so his powers are air, fire, and water, he is a unique life with the airous people and well he was kicked out for his fire abilities. War of the air and fire was ancient for they believed that people the fact that the other was created by the other. Aquarius is the sister of shad she was sort of the opposite of shad with water and earth with the light powers as well but as she has masters air and water she wasn’t much of a light warrior but her skill with water surpassing even the masters of water. Ethopiana was an earth, lightning, and fire. She was a powerful earth mage that was a part of the fifth guild the earthos they honored the domainers and the other guilds but they protected special skills that allow them to travel through earth to other domains but they never know which ones they go to.
    The group on the day that legion came they were split up the girls went the waterfall of purple water park to have a relaxing day at the spa there. As the guys went to a arena of swords at the local bar for Jet was entered in win the fight but was one who can fight with a sword but talked too much so he lost almost every fight he gets in. during that day the girls was relaxing when they saw a streak in the sky while in a mud bath and felt a presence of darkness and tried to leave when they were stunned when a meteor crashed in the sauna and then they saw a strange black liquid pour out of the meteor and turned everyone that was touched by it into a black liquid then after it took the lives of several it formed a massive body and then it morphed in to a man that stood as tall as 35 stories tall with a body with a purple aura around it and a armor as sliver as the starry night. That is when Aquarius said to Ethopiana,” we need to get out of here and find my brother shad so we will know what to do.”
    “Yes we should”, Ethopiana said,”but where are they after all they didn’t tell us where they were going.”
    “True”, she said. Then the man yelled out “I am legion many as one, one as many”, and then he jumped off with a thunderous boom and his presence disappeared and the girls tried to leave when the local army blocked off the park and spa not letting anyone in or out, so they were trapped. Seven hours later a fight was on in the bar and Jet was up against kenthos and of course he talked so much he was defeated in ten seconds. After all the fights was over and everyone else left the boys left at 11:25PM legion came out and said “one of you two bodies will become mine and your spirit will be trapped in the others shadow for all eternity and I feel that your whose name is Jet the talker.”
    “Never!” said shad as he jumped and pulled a katana from the shadows by threads that encircled him and quickly strikes legion across the chest to protect Jet who was injured still.
    “Well, now you are more powerful than the most powerful warrior of this world what is your name?” legion said as he clutched his chest.
    “I am the darkness, I am the burning flame, I am the surging lightning of the southern sky, I am the domainer of the worlds and my name is shad the warrior of darkness” said shad, “and who are you tall warrior?”
    “I am legion one a…” as legion said this shad sent a shadow slash and knocked over legion. Then the real fight began with equal sides and lasted of several hours and many buildings destroyed and then it was down to the final attacks for they both exhausted their power and bodies and so they went to the final attacks legion sends an attack called the body stealer as shad sends his most powerful attack elemental fusion. This attack is a fusion of all three elements that he controlled into a powerful attack that can only be blocked if a shadow and light warrior or mage can make rising or setting sun. then shad saw that legion’s attacks wasn’t aimed at him but was heading to Jet and that is when shad jumped into the attack but his sword disappeared because he was at his limit and so legion got shad’s body and shad was forced in Jet’s shadow. “The power of him is mine now and I am the most powerful being on this world and soon it will be mine!” legion said as he grew taller and more powerful and then he left in the quiet night.