• A young girl, that was at least six years old, sat in her fluffy hello-kitty-bed. Zoe Beck, was the little girls name. She tossed and turned, becuase the fabric was itchy. It was like one of those feathered down jackets, with all the little points scratching at you. As Zoe turned, she noticed something was different this night. She propped up in her bed, only to notice her window was open. Chilling Michigan air was filling up her room, as eerie noises from the woods surrounded her ears. "Mommy?" she said aloud. No answer. Her mother and father were probably going to ignore her for tonight, for it was a big day tomorrow. Christmas. Zoe shrugged it off and got out of bed to go close her window. Her toes felt like stone... As she was about to close it . . something different happened. She saw something, or more of someone. Zoe gasped, in the hopes it was Santa, but unfortunately it wasn't. It was a mere boy, maybe the same age as she was, but she couldn't see his face. What surprised Zoe the most was his hair. Pure white. "Aren't you freezing?" she whispered. The crunching of his bare feet stopped. She didn't really hear him, but his lips moved to what seemed a "no." and he disappeared. Zoe was in awe, and whispered louder "Wait!!" , before running to go gather her boots and jacket.