• “She’s awake.” Someone muttered while I looked at the slowly moving black swirls all around me.
    I opened my eyes, which were extremely blurry, and I slurred, “Where am I? Who are you?”
    “Elizabeth, you were bitten by a dragon, hold still so I can examine you.” The blurry woman replied.
    “How do you know my name?” I croaked with confusion.
    “She doesn’t remember, does she Kilik?” the blurry woman mumbled.
    “No Isis,” he whispered, “ she doesn’t.”
    “Isis? Kilik?” I wavered.
    “Yes child,” Isis chimed.“ You’re lucky Kilik was not far away from you when your brother’s dragon decided to attack you.” I was going to ask who my brother was and what they were talking about; however, after she said Kilik, I could see clearly. The room I was in had two beds, one was slivery blue ( which I was occupying), the other was goldish red. It also had a red and gold stripped chair and a blue twisted lamp on a cherry wood table. Whoever’s room it was, had good taste because the room looked elegant, but simple at the same time.
    “Are you my mother Isis?” I asked.
    “No child,” Isis responded.“ Your mother is the High Priestess, Alyssa, remember?” Isis had raven black hair and pearl-like eyes with a smooth face and plump, but small lips. She was beautiful, in a supernatural way.
    “Sounds familiar.” I hesitated.
    “Isis, step out of the way, I have to heal her before that name doesn’t sound familiar.” Kilik ordered. He had a chiseled face with choppy, amberish brown hair and greenish gray eyes that had a tint of gold in them. I saw concern in those very eyes, for me or for what happened, I still don’t know. Then, I spotted his scar filled hands come over my eyes and a bright golden light filled my eyesight, it was so bright that it made acidy tears stream across my face.
    He stopped ad whispered, “Elizabeth, what is your elder brother’s name?”
    Isis hissed,” Are you sure your magic worked?”
    Kilik fumed, “ Yes, now let her answer, Isis.” It was extremely quiet, so quiet that you could hear the dead pass into the next world.
    I sighed, “ he has many names, but the one everyone knows him by is Nightingale.”
    He smiled, “ I told you Isis, never doubt a shapeshifter’s royal abilities.”
    Isis shook her head and chuckled, “ let’s see her..”
    I interrupted with impatience, “ What now?”
    Isis smoldered, “ I am not finished yet, Elizabeth has to beat a man at battle. She will pick by looking at a weapon in the weapon’s rack that is located in the throne room.”
    “Can anyone help me with the battle?” I coaxed.
    “No.” She lied while picking up the empty glass.
    Already calculating a plan to beat her at her own “game” while wringing my hands, looking worried, I fearfully decided, “We’ll meet you there.” She nodded in acknowledgement, then left.
    “Be careful what you pick,” Kilik warned, “because at this time of day, every man’s weapon is there.”
    “Including yours?” I pondered.
    “Yes, mine and…. others.” Kilik mumbled.
    “Help me pick one, please Kilik.” I pleaded. “ just push me towards some through the mind link we have, okay?”
    “….Sure, but you got to be careful with Isis.“ Kilik warned. “She loves screwing everything up so it is in her favor.”
    “Thank you.” I whispered. Next, we were in the throne room, by the weapon’s rack, with Isis already by it, already smirking like she won Elvin sliver. Right away, I felt Kilik mind-push me to four weapons, one was a whip-like sword, another was a rune filled staff, the other two were spears. One of the spears had a red crystal, the other had black obsidian as its spearhead.
    “Pick one and only one,” Isis urged, “ You only have a minute. Good luck.” I knew what she was trying to do, she was trying to get me to pick the black obsidian headed spear, which was the only one that really stood out because of the Egyptian-like colors.
    “I pick the spear with the red crystal.” I declared while turning around to walk out in both frustration and impatience.
    “Wait,” Isis struggled to utter while wring her hands in terror, “Elizabeth, Don’t you want to know who you are going against?”