• Prelude

    Kate Norway sat on the bench half asleep. The day was gone and she was sitting on the bench, cold and lonely. She sniffed while she wiped away the tears that were on her face. She didn’t know running away would be this hard and as if thinking about all her troubles and wanting to have a bigger say, her stomach growled loudly and she looked down at it absent-mindedly. She patted her stomach trying to ease its anger over not being feed for two days and closed her eyes. She was so tried. She wish she was full, warm, and in a warm bed where she could feel safe and at home.
    Suddenly she felt the bench creak from pressure in weight and she lazily opened her eyes. She moved her slowly the world blurry as she felt things tilt back and forth. She blinked and the image before her eyes cleared for a minute and she saw and man. That is all she saw before things went blurry again and suddenly everything was black. She felt her head drop onto something hard, the side of her face lying on a curved fabricated surface. She realized why she couldn’t see anymore, she had closed her eyes, the eye lids being too heavy now to left. She tried to open them and accomplished it seeing a mixture of blur and non-blur images where the man’s face was, up close this time and he seemed concerned. That was all she saw before she felt herself disappear, losing control of her body and mind. Everything was fading…