• I sighed, looking out the window of my 11th grade classroom. The teacher droning on and on. I stopped paying attention after about the first 3 word. I glanced around and saw my friends being as bored as me. My friend, Josh, looked up, his bright blue eyes finding mine. He gave me a smile and rubbed the back of his short, light bron hair. I smiled back, then looked at the clock. 5 minutes left. I looked back out my window and watched the trees sawy in the slight brezze. I looked in the parking lot and saw my car, an old Chevy truck. It was really old, but at least it ran.
    The bell rang and I grabbed my books and walked out the classroom. I got to my locker and grabbed my backpack. I was glad that it was the last class of the day. I was just about to close my locker, when I heard my friends calling me.
    "Yo! Drake." I turned and saw Josh.
    "Are you glad schools over for a three day week?" Asked my other friend, Jake. He shook his black hair out of his eyes.
    "I know I sure am." Said my third friend, Claire. Her blond hair in a ponytail, as always. She was the only girl that hung out with us, but she was the coolest girl I knew. I laughed.
    "Of corse. I get to hang out with you guys." I said as I shut my locked and we started walking with the crowd to the parking lot.
    "So, can we get a ride?" Asked Josh. My smile fell.
    "Sorry guys, but there's something I need to do. But I'll call you later." I said as I sprinted twoards my truck. I felt guilty, but this was something I needed to do. I started my truck and looked back at my friends. Jake and Claire had a sad, but understaning look on their faces. But Josh, he looked like he knew something.
    'Did he know?!' I thought to myself wildly, but thought against it. I started driving down the road to my house.
    I pulled in the drive way about 20 miutes later. No other cars were around so my family was out of the house. I walked into the dimmly lit house and headed straight for the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a blood bag. Yep, you guessed it. I'm a vampire, athough I don't like it.
    I put it in the microwave and let it warm up. At least I didn't attack humans like my family did. The microwave dinged and I opened the bag into a cup. I drank it, feeling streath flowing into my body.
    I put the cup into the sink as soon as I was done and wiped out my mouth. Then I heard a branch crunch outside and froze.
    'Was someone outside?' I asked myself and just then I saw a shadow. I raced for the door.
    ~end of part 1~