• Black.
    Painful, disturbing, mind-consuming, black.
    I scrambled desperately as wind whipped at my face as I tumbled further and further downward. I was blinded by pitch-black darkness. My stomach continuously flipped like a pancake. I didn’t know where the ground was or when I hit it, by I silently prayed that it wouldn’t come soon, or at all.
    But we all know that there is an end to everything, eventually.
    I continued to fall, half conscious of what was really occurring. While the wind howled in my ears and I continued to become enveloped in the consuming darkness, my mind whirred.
    Was there an end to this?
    Would there be a light to illuminate this crazed darkness?
    Would I survive?
    The last question rang in my mind repeatedly. Would I survive?
    A let out an ear-splitting shriek as I continued to fall like a helpless doll. I closed my eyes, even though it made no difference in my vision.
    Suddenly, the fierce blow of the wind halted. I dared to open my eyes, and took in a sharp intake of air. Torches dancing with scarlet flames were arranged on both sides of her, stretching on forever. I dared to stand up, my legs shaking wildly, as I finally balanced myself. What should I do? I thought helplessly. Nothing could be done. I had no clue where I was, and for all I knew, I could be stepping into the mouth of danger.
    After what seemed like forever, I placed a foot forward, looking around. The only sound was the echo of my footsteps on the hard, smooth flooring. I continued to follow the torches that led into the never-ending darkness, continuing to have chilling thoughts of something breathing down my back. I continued to walk forward, keeping my eyes locked on the path that the torches had set for me.
    After walking for a seemingly eternal time, I reached the end of the pathway. Instead of continuing the never changing line of straight torches that stretched for ever, the torches blocked the path, and there were no other torches to illuminate the vast darkness ahead. What I found the strangest of all was a slab of smooth marble that stood in front of me while the flaming torches surrounded it. It’s height was about to my waist. I stared into the swirling patterns of stone, a low rumbling was emitted from behind me.
    I whipped around, and gasped. A figure in a hooded cloak, it’s identity shrouded by the apparel it wore, was facing me, a long dagger in hand.
    “You?” I managed to utter in a weak voice.
    It chucked in a low, dark tone. “Everyone has to die.” it growled, making my hair stand on end. “And blood will have to be spilled. Even if it is yours.”
    Without warning, it charged at me with incredible speed. It pushed me down onto the marble slab with immense strength of one hand. I attempted to scramble away with all the might in my body, adrenalline pulsing through my veins.
    But it was no use.
    It had me pinned down. It began to raise the dagger, pointed directly at my chest, higher and higher, until it whispered in a hoarse voice,
    “I’m sorry, Eden. But promises are forced to be broken.”
    It then pulled down the dagger with full force, my continuous scrambling halting. Memories muddled with pain blurred into my mind, but one thing remained clear as my vision slowly faded to black.
    Promises are forced to be broken.