• ...This is how we roll...

    ...This is how we are...

    ...There's no way you can stop us...


    ...There is a BIG difference between the Nightlord family and the Oliver Knives family...

    The Oliver Knives family have 13 sons

    While, the Nightlord only has 8 sons and 2 daughters

    The Oliver Knives family was once poor...then rich after stealing from rich people...

    The Nightlord family was already rich from the first place...and they steal and kill because they were paid to...

    The Oliver Knives Family steal boats...

    The Nightlord Family dosen't...

    The parents of the Oliver Knives family don't demand too much from their children...

    The parents fron the Nightlord family are usually in another country...so they don't have much time to demand too much from their children...

    The Nightlord siblings have sisters...

    The Oliver Knives have none...

    the Nightlord siblings hate the girls of their family friend...Lolita Rosalita...

    The Oliver Knives have none...

    ...Now you see the difference...

    ...Which family would you want to be in?...