• The blood dripped from the walls and ceiling as he stood in the middle of the room. The world was at a stand still and silent. Nothing made a sound as he looked at the scene around him. He relived all the events that brought him here. All the pain and torture and the last effort to survive that left such a mess. He had had no choice, right? He thought to himself as stared. I did the right thing. I had no choice. It was me or him. And what he did to everyone else. He must have been a monster. Right? But nothing he said to himself made him feel any better. He had killed someone, someone who could have been a father, a brother and a son. It just didn't seem right to him.

    He walked slowly out as the police cars showed up finally. He was helped into an ambulance and put under. But the most horrible thing was while he was under. He relived it all. Ever last moment of the night. The horrible face, the blood everywhere, his friends deaths. Everything flashed before him. When he awoke a detective was standing at the foot of his bed.

    "Sir, we need to talk. I understand if you are not ready now, but I need to know what happened. I need to know why your friends are dead." The detective said, "My name is Detective Daniels but you can call me Jack."

    "Jack..." the mans voice shook out slowly and hoarsely. His voice was so weak he barely believed he heard it himself.

    "Yes sir, that is my name. Now," the detective sighed as he sat down, " what can you tell me about last night? What happened in that house, Mr. Gardner?"

    "Please... call me Jason." the man said softly.

    "Okay, Jason. What happened?" Jack asked carefully as he watched Jason's face closely.

    "Alright, I will tell you, but it may take some time. My voice is almost gone and it was so terrifying I might not be able to give you some details."

    "Just take your time. We have as mush time as you need."