• Deary Diary,

    This is my first time writing to you. My Ma got me this journal for my 12th birthday. It cot her 50 cents. I think its cheap, but to her it is a lot of money.

    My Ma always told me about Papa, how he was such a great man. He divorced her and got caught taking liqour from the Saloon. He was senf to jail and died a week before I was born. I kinda look at him as what Ma calls them, alcholic. It's a shame I knever got to meet him.

    Not much comes on my birthday. I usally waske up and open my 1 present. I then go to work out in the fields while Ma teaches Sissy cleaning, and how to be a house wife.

    i unfortunatley was not able to catch and kill anything for dinner tonight. Ma and Sissy had to make leftovers. I lay my head in shame.

    Tomorro will be better

    Happy birthday to you and me,
