• She stood in the cold waiting under the clock tower. Her clothes did little to protect her from the harsh winter air, but she really didn’t notice. As she stood waiting and watching as the first stars of the evening began to light up the sky, thoughts began to dance in her mind. What am I doing here? Will he come? No, he’ll definitely come. Just four more minutes until the clock would strike 8. He’ll be here I just know it. She closed her eyes and pictured the man she was waiting for. Every bit of him was etched into her memory. His ash brown hair, cool blue eyes, strong shoulders, and the scent of his cologne… but wait, the scent she was recalling wasn’t coming from her memory. With her eyes still closed she breathed in deeply the familiar scent that she loved so dearly, but this wasn’t the scent of the man she was waiting for. Could it be? No it can’t be him. Slowly she opened her eyes which immediately began to fill with tears. “Hello Katrina, It’s been awhile.” She wanted to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. She didn’t dare say the name of the man standing in front of her for fear that it would change everything she had grown accustom to, instead she simply said what she knew was true for the past 6 years. She looked up with tears running down her cheeks and a smile forming on her lips and said to the man who she once loved and was afraid she could so easily love again, “I’ve been waiting for you.”