• People running back and forth
    Feeling the flow of fear
    Nobody takes the blame
    For anything anymore

    They chose the path of deceit
    No trustworthy souls out there to feed
    So many lies; no one to bring to mercy
    Speaking of only committing deeds
    No more than you and me….

    I saw their faces; there were so many broken faces filled with crystallized indention, replacing their skin. Their sorrowful expressions were nothing more than an excuse of some kind. To their left were normal human beings wearing white lab coats that buttoned to the neck. Long-sleeved shirts poked through the short-sleeved jackets. Their jackets were unique, and obviously stood out for something, such as a coding to a special agency.
    The Normal’s skin was full of color, while their creations lacked in the fullness of a tanned skin tone. The creations were colored, but with a grayness which neglected all aspects of a human appearance. Behind the Normal’s was a gigantic, cyan blue, liquid-contained tube. In the tube was another creation. It held a small girl. The girl was huddled into a pleading position, scared for her life. Her eyes were shut and her mouth was slightly open, almost as if she were sleeping, soundlessly.
    The creations began murmuring strange words in an unknown language. They narrowed their eyebrows, detecting anger and aggravation. Gradually, their eyes became a bright reddish color, representing fury, a full-blown result of their anger. As they continued mumbling to themselves, the white-coated man wrote in his notebook with a black pen. Nonstop writing was all the man in the white coat had done. His face was pointed at the notebook for a few seconds, then towards the liquid tub.
    Something had changed.
    The girl’s facial expression was completely different from the one she had shown from before. Her arms were floating, weightlessly in the strange liquid, which provided her life. Her eyes were slightly open, but shined a great red color, similar to the creation in the outside world, though remained contained inside of a laboratory of steel walls. Suddenly, an explosion came from the container and the liquid seeped, slowly, from every crack in the tube. As the liquid passed through, the girl took a step on the bottom of the tube, pulling out every tube that was attached to her body. There was one clear tube connected to her nostrils, another couple in her ears and even some in her private areas, from the front and back.
    Her eyes were completely open by now and she had attempted to be stable on the inside of the empty tube. The reaction of the scientist, who was still writing every movement of his creations down on a wet piece of notebook paper, remained constant. He turned around for a second and saw the naked ‘humanoid’ standing right behind him and screamed. The specimen had green, beautiful hair, but something about her eyes made her seem monstrous. She walked closer to her ‘kin’ and commanded them to stop talking to themselves in their secret code. Everything became silent. The clones looked straight towards the girl and smirked widely.

    From a nightmare, I had just awoken. In my mind, I played back the horrific scenes untold to human kind. Nothing like this had ever occurred while in my dreaming state.
    It was almost as if I were arguing with my own intentions. It was an argument between the expressionless faces I saw, and the way they were being treated. So many disagreements!
    In no time, I was expecting for my nightmare to end, yet something or someone kept it rolling like a long movie, which seemed everlasting. But, as I have learned from my past, nothing lasted forever. Why? Because so many people have over extraordinary limited lives to protect and they cannot follow out on their ‘journey.’ If someone were to be able to follow through, they would be fulfilling the work of God himself. The bottom of the line is that no one can live forever.
    Soon, I would wake up from this horrible, darkened nightmare and wish that I would fall back into an even more relaxing slumber. I would rest my eyes, think of the slow breathing I heard coming from my own lunges, dream of happy events in my life, if there were any, and finally, I would try as hard as hell not to think about those horrified faces, which brought out sympathy and nightmares to the ones who had experienced face to face. The strange thing is, I have not. My eyes have not, yet, detected the fact that these strange faces even exist, therefore, how is it possible to believe that they exist in this world, or even the universe? All I wanted was a night full of relaxation and stress less slumber.
    In the distance, there came a scream. The scream that would be described as a terrified, yet satisfied scream. Terrified, maybe, because the antidote I have given a specimen is reacting, and then, satisfaction because the reaction is taking a toll on the imperfection of a certain monster which has been created by an Imperfection, himself. The Imperfection is merely a man, but a man with abnormal power. His power is none other than the power of God’s; he is able to create humans with a single drop of liquid, poisoning the body and turning it into a massive creation among all creations, a monster among all monsters, and a race among all races.
    To think that anyone would completely, deliberately disobey the creator of all creations and slaughter him....