• Alison kept her tounge tied for four years. Opening her locker one morning she found a big box, with KAY in silver letters on the top. She opened it, and it was an extremely complex necklace, with earrings. They looked as if they were completely diamond. Max walked up behind her. "So, do you like them? You have no idea what i went through to get them."
    Those words rung in her head. Alison was now sitting in a police station, handcuffs on her wrists, the earrings, the necklace, and her purse all being taken as evidence, and she could see them from the small jail cell they had her in. "Please, it wasn't me, can I at least have one phone call?"
    "Sorry kid, not until you tell the story." the officer said. So Alison began.
    The clamp on the necklace had been parcialy broken, so in gym it had fallen off, in front of Ebony, one of her rivals. "Nice bling Ally." Ebony sneered. Alison picked it up paying no attention. Later, as Ebony walked by the teachers lounge, she heard the news blaring "Breaking news, Prized Jewelry stolen from a jewler store!!!" she stopped in her tracks, and peered into the room to look at the screen, she gasped as she realised that was the necklace that just fell in front of her. "What do we do if we know who the thief is?" she blirted out, a big smirk on her face.
    "You tell me who you think it was and I'll take care of the rest." Mr.Shnoeblack said, in a matter-of-fact tone.
    "I think it was Alison Coiha." she said, "She dropped the necklace right in front of me at gym, and i noticed the earrings on her ears." Ebony said, and walked to class.
    A half hour later, Alison was in science, when the principal knocked on the door with the police man, they asked for her. Alison noticed the principal had her open bookbag, and the necklace in his other hand, a very upset look on his face. "Please remove the earrings mam, and put out your hands if you would." the officer said, she did as she was told, and on went the handcuffs.
    "Do you really think you're getting out of this, kid? You robbed a jewelry store and took multi million dollar jewelry, your goose is cooked." A single tear fell from Alison's eye.